
hey, it’s me, max. what are the haps?

this is my personal website. i feel some ways about personal websites, like that they are “pointless” or “not worth spending my time on”. but i also feel that way about dressing myself sometimes and i still put on clothes. or at least when i leave the apartment.


recently, i have taken to describing myself as a full-time amateur house dancer. besides dance, i often spend my time eating things and touching interesting fabrics.

i spend a good deal of time not doing much of anything. my personal enlightenment came of trying to decouple my life from the productivity grind i spent most of it conditioned for—now i strive for little and i accomplish who cares. i still do really value social time with my friends.

other stuff i do includes reading and occassionally writing poetry, vocal training, making music, and dance videography. further down the procrastination pipeline, i infrequently play magic: the gathering and pokémon go.

group identity

one of my core tenets is that my identity is something that resides wholly in others’ perceptions of me. a corollary is that a major reservoir of who i am is the groups i’ve been a part of.

another corollary is that here’s a section on my website with my group affiliations.

i’m used to describing myself as a “recent harvard grad”, although this is no longer accurate. i went to school for english, took math classes, decided to major in chemistry, and wound up with a computer science degree. i spent a lot of my time at harvard with the harvard university band, and i conducted said band in my final semesters.

after harvard, i ended up in the tech industry. i spent my entire tenure on facebook’s hhvm compiler team. i have since left fb for a new career in vaguely doing art things and feeling bad about myself.

before all that, i attended the center for talented youth over several summers in lancaster, pa, where i held the duck. i maintain RealCTY, the CTY wiki.

elsewhere in life, i help run valor of boston, which pre-pandemic was one of boston’s largest pokémon go communities. i also danced with and produced videos for MIT’s ADT though i have otherwise no affiliation with MIT (unless the school up the river counts, which i suppose it could).


so what do other people have to say about this “max wang” guy, like, what’s he all about?

who does this guy think he is? james buckland

turkey exonerated a kestrel accused of spying for israel, and indian scientists confirmed that bright lights detected over indian airspace and suspected of being chinese drones were in fact jupiter and venus. anonymous

max you spelled my name wrong. scott johnson

you should piece together some choice quotes from a Q review or something. anonymous

there are other people about whom i have worse things to say. anonymous

we’re all born ted cruz and we all aspire to become max wang. my ex-girlfriend

i heard he recently started a blog. garrett morton